Davis Crossbody Vest - Utility Pockets Part 2

Davis Crossbody Vest

Hey mates, todays post is a continuation of part 1. You can find the pocket downloads in that post if you haven't already got them. 

We left off having cut out your pocket pattern pieces and you'll also need your bodice all sewn up and pressed neatly. 

I already regret my fabric choice - if you take anything away from this blog post, please let it be choosing the right fabric.

Natural fibres that take heat well (as there will be a lot of steam pressing to set folds into the fabric). Choose a sturdy weave. Denim and canvas are my recommendations.

My fabric was labelled as a cotton in the denim section at the fabric store but deep down I knew it was mislabelled but I still went ahead and chose it for the colour. I am a superficial beast and I learnt my lesson as this was a STRUGGLE to work with. Shifty and frayed a lot. Not a good time. I would've packed it in, but I knew I had to do this post. So please excuse the terrible sewing.

I've actually already created a video for sewing these types of pockets, as they've been used in the Davis Belt. I did take a series of photos in the pink fabric but honestly, I'm too mad at it to post them and this video shows the process more clearly anyway.

Watch the video here.

For my pink version, I also added pocket flaps and D ring closures. 

I took a 5cm length of ribbon (you can use webbing, preferably 25mm wide. I could only find 20mm in this colour) and threaded it through 2 25mm D rings and sewed this shut. I made 2 of these for the larger pockets.


These were then attached at the centre bottom edge of the pocket, on the right side of the fabric. Fold the seam allowance down so you're only sewing the ribbon/webbing to one layer of fabric.

The stitching shouldn't be visible from the outside of the pocket.

 I also attached a length of the same ribbon/webbing within the pocket flap.

Place this in the centre bottom edge of the pocket flap and sandwich between the two pocket flap pieces. Sew around the side and bottom edges before turning the flap out to the right side.

 Here we have all my pocket pieces and pocket flaps ready to be attached to the body of the garment. You'll see I've already sewn pocket 2 on top of pocket 4.



Follow the steps in the video linked before to attach the pockets. 

Pocket flaps:

With right sides facing together, centrally align the pocket flap above the pocket, so the raw edge of the flap is a few millimetres above the hem of the pocket.
Sew the flap in place using a 0.5cm seam allowance. Press the flap down over the pocket and topstitch in place, 0.5cm from the fold, making sure you don’t catch the top of the pocket within the stitching.


 That's it! I added a snap closure on the smallest pocket to tie in with the snap closures on the waist, but there are so many ways you can customize this to make it your own.

Looking forward to seeing your pattern hacks. If you do give this a go, please tag me on instagram with #daviscrossbodyvest and #elbetextiles so I can admire your handiwork.



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  • Miranda on

    I can’t wait to try this hack! I salute your perseverance with that fabric, it turned out brilliantly!!

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